Local celeb found in jail after “but I’m a DJ” fails to sway cop in drunk-driving arrest [VIDEO]

DJ Chriz Ooi via Facebook
DJ Chriz Ooi via Facebook

It’s probably the most cringe-worthy statement anyone can ever make, “Do you know who I am?” And it’s probably not best advised as your defense if you’re a former backup dancer, turned DJ of limited success, riding shotgun with a police officer, who has just taken you in for drunk driving. It’s also best not to immortalize the moment by posting it to your Facebook page for all of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Southeast Asia and Planet Earth to see.

None of these things came to mind when DJ Chriz Ooi found himself to be alledgedly on the wrong side of the law early Sunday morning on Jalan Sungai Besi at about 3. The man, who is legally known as Ooi Kok Wei, was a bit of a courtroom celeb today, when those in the public gallery and dock recognized him. Although the prosecutor tried to set bail at a hefty RM4,000, Magistrate Maizatul Munirah Abd Rahman set bail at RM2,000, and set the next courtroom date for 15 June.

The 1 minute and 43-second video emerged after he had failed an initial breathalyzer test, and was being driven to a nearby police station to take another. He failed that one too, with a reading of 84mg/100ml. The legal limit is 80mg.

In the video, Ooi is seen speaking to the camera and behaving in what many have deemed a hostile manner towards an officer who was ostensibly just doing his job. He can repeatedly be heard telling the officer he had not been drinking (he was), and then asking the officer how much he would pay him when he was proven wrong (he wasn’t).

Video here. And here.


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