​Jurassic Park? Site of plant fossil discovery in Pahang may become a tourist spot

Get your explorer hats ready, boys and girls.

The Pahang state government is thinking of turning the site of a recent Jurassic-era plant fossil discovery into a tourist attraction.
Bernama reports that the fossil — discovered in Kota Gelanggi, Jerantut — is believed to be up to 200 million years old.

“If it is truly a plant fossil, I will also suggest to the state government to conserve the forest and vicinity of the discovery site to be made into a tourist attraction. We don’t want the tourists to visit for merely one or two days. Instead, we want them to stay on longer for the benefit of the villagers there,” state  Culture and Tourism Committee chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Sharkar Shamsudin was quoted as saying.

The final call would be made after the committee looks through a full report on the discovery and upon assessment of the site’s commercial value, Bernama reports.

More on Coconuts KL:

READ: Dinosaur fossil unearthed in Pahang!
READ: Second dinosaur fossil — a tooth — discovered in Pahang
READ: Dino fossil dating back 250 million years found near Tasik Kenyir


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