A Seremban launderette hit by a series of “dirty protests,” aka public poops, at its shopfront turned to CCTV to find the culprit.
Datuk Adzwan Ab Manas initially thought that the deposits left behind — all three of them — were from a wayward dog. You can imagine his shock when after watching video recordings, he discovered that the culprit behind the act was a female high school student, still in uniform.
Speaking to New Straits Times, he explained that the first two incidents occurred in September, and the latest was Wednesday.
“At first, I planned to ignore the incidents as I had thought that the girl could have some problems that needed her to relieve herself there and then. But based on the CCTV recording, it was clear to me that the act was purposely done at my shop, and what was more disappointing is the fact that a woman, whom I believe is the culprit’s mother, was there covering her daughter when the latter was doing her business.”
There are fewer indignities more scornful than a teenage girl leaving her dumps outside your laundry, while her mother plays look-out.
Adzwan is in the dark regarding what motive the girl could possibly have for defecating outside his shop. He added that there were several other laundry shops and food premises to take public dumps in front of, and he was unsure why his was chosen.
More importantly, as a society, we should be asking ourselves not why other shops weren’t targeted, but why a toilet wasn’t sought when nature called.