Balcony break-in: Malaysian couple watches as two men try to break into their apartment on the 12th floor

Right photo: For illustration purposes only/Pixabay. Left photo: Screen grab from Phoebe Shafinaz Twitter
Right photo: For illustration purposes only/Pixabay. Left photo: Screen grab from Phoebe Shafinaz Twitter

A Malaysian woman had been getting comfortable, expecting a tranquil Thursday evening with her spouse. However, as soon as she heard him scream, all hope for serenity vanished.

Phoebe Shafinaz described the whole ordeal in a Twitter thread about how their apartment almost got broken in from the balcony – and they live on the 12th floor. 

“Earlier today at around 12:43am, my husband and I were chilling in our living room. I was scrolling my phone when my husband suddenly SCREAMED. I looked up and saw a man about 6ft tall on my balcony,” she recounted.

“The man tried to open my sliding door when we saw ANOTHER man just climbing down to my balcony from the floor above.”

“We both were screaming at this point and my husband literally ran to the sliding door to make sure the door was tightly locked.”

“He was so close to the man who was trying to open the door who at this point was shushing us. I ran towards my husband and pulled him away from the door to make sure he was safe then called the police, and security and sent an SOS message in my Condo WhatsApp.”

“Several things keep lingering in my mind; What if we didn’t lock the door? What would happen to us if the men managed to enter? What would happen if we were already asleep when they were there?”

“What if they came in, made us their ransoms, or forced us to keep them refuge? I don’t know. I don’t want to think negatively. I want to believe that the men were just running away from something and just passing through.” 

“But my God. Climbing from balconies to another? I live on the 12th floor! This is why I’m always paranoid,” she said in her tweet.

Speaking to Coconuts, Phoebe said it was apparently not the first time something like this had occurred. 

“These guys can climb up and down these balconies easily. They don’t use any ropes or rolled-up clothes. Just their strength and agility,” she said. 

“We called the police but we didn’t make a police report as the management would handle the issue,” she said. 

After the incident, Phoebe said her husband booked them a hotel as they were too afraid to sleep in their own apartment. 



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