Namewee had to agree not to say anything about Malaysia’s government before he could fly to Hong Kong

Namewee’s reputation precedes him – pretty much literally.

The controversy-courting rapper, actor, and director was made to sign a letter of declaration stating that he would not “make any comments or say anything about the Malaysian Goverment or Chinese Government” during his visit to Hong Kong this week.

Namewee, whose real name is Wee Meng Chee, was to have made his way to Hong Kong on Monday to perform at a concert, whose organisers became anxious as to what the extremely vocal rapper would say.

Apparently it was the organisers who insisted Namewee keep his mouth shut about anything political while on the island.

Last Saturday, Namewee posted a photo of the signed declaration to his official Facebook page, with the caption, “HAHA! THX DEMOCRACY! I’ll only be in Hong Kong for a concert, was this really necessary?”

HAHA! THX DEMOCRACY! 只不過去香港辦一場演唱會而已,有必要。。。

Posted by Namewee 黃明志 on Saturday, 17 October 2015

Despite his complaints, Namewee did sign the declaration, and his show in Hong Kong seemed to have gone pretty well:

香港演唱會圓滿結束! 觀眾太熱情啦!thx Hongkong!!!

Posted by Namewee 黃明志 on Tuesday, 20 October 2015

And we thought keeping our carry-on luggage under 7kg was a hassle.


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