Johor prince teases state’s independence in Instagram Q&A

Screenshot of @Hrhcrownprinceofjohor’s Instagram story against an October 2020 photo of Tunku Ismail Idris. Photo: Coconuts
Screenshot of @Hrhcrownprinceofjohor’s Instagram story against an October 2020 photo of Tunku Ismail Idris. Photo: Coconuts

Johor prince Tunku Ismail Idris teased fans yesterday about turning the Malaysian state into its own country if he had enough money. 

The 36-year-old heir to the Johor throne told his nearly three million Instagram followers this yesterday while responding to questions from fans. When asked what he would do if he were “rich,” he gave a cryptic reply using a photo of the Johor flag and the caption: “I’ll buy Malaysia and turn it to … “

When asked by another fan whether Johor could truly become an independent state one day, the prince said that it was “up to the people.”

It is not clear how much the prince earns, but he was worth millions according to this 2014 report. The prince also owns Johor’s football club. 

Other questions he was asked about on Instagram were linked to his hobbies like polo, favorite luxury items, and his fitness routines. 

Some people online seemed a tad concerned about the people of Johor excited about opting out of the country.

“Johor people are yall ok?” @Fariqzzz asked on Twitter today.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON IN JOHOR?” @Nabilah_Malihah said. 

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