Coconuts KL Directory Contest: Submit your event or business for a chance to win a free advertising campaign!

Photo: Coconuts Media
Photo: Coconuts Media

Coconuts KL Directory Contest: Submit your event or business for a chance to win a free advertising campaign!

If you’ve been clicking around Coconuts lately, then you’ll have noticed the expansion of the Coco universe — our Coconuts Directory is up and running, connecting readers to the new, noteworthy spots and events popping up in their respective cities.

We decided to roll out our own in-house directory following the revamp of our Food, Lifestyle, and Travel sections, and the launch of Coco Food and Coco Travel, last year. Turns out a lot of you really care about where to find good Mexican food in your hood, weighing out your options for weekend activities, and the like — so we built the Coconuts Directory as a place where all of that useful information can live, for you to use and peruse as you see fit.

Submit entries to the KL Directory for FREE

We’ve got a section for venues and events for KL and every one of our eight Coconuts cities, and the most recent submissions for each city get featured on the right-hand side of all of our article pages.

Since the soft launch of this directory, most of our submissions have come from savvy business owners and eagle-eyed PR agencies, but now we’re ready to shout from the rooftops — Restaurateurs! Event organizers! Party people! The Coconuts Directory wants your news: art exhibits, food festivals, live music gigs, conferences, meet-ups, film nights for our Events page — or business profiles of your bar, cafe, club, co-working space, hotel, or other space for our Venues page.

It’s completely free to use. Log in with your Coconuts User account and you can add your venue here and add your event here.

Coconuts KL Directory Contest

The world of the Coconuts Directory is only going to be as good as the collective effort we put into it, so we’re putting in some added incentive for your submissions.

We’re giving out two prizes the first one is simple and straightforward: the user account that submits the most Coconuts KL Directory listings by March 31 wins.

The second winner, however, will be chosen by our editors, based on the listing submission that impresses them most – this can be based on creativity, cool graphics, or impeccably clean copy – but a combination of all three wouldn’t hurt. Put some effort into it, and we’ll notice.

The prize for each is US$4,500 worth of advertising on Coconuts KL, in the form of a Coco Creative feature branded story and our Billboard Buzz 100% Share of Voice display ad unit on one city.

A Coco Creative campaign entails our creative branded content team crafting a story of up to 1,000 words, including 10 images, posted on the Coconuts city site of your choice — complete with traffic drivers, performance guarantees, and a post-campaign report.

A Billboard Buzz campaign lets you take over our high impact billboard display ad spot for 2 weeks on any one of our cities for both desktop and mobile. So if you choose to advertise on Coconuts Bangkok, your banner will be seen at the top of every page by every visitor to Coconuts Bangkok for two whole weeks. That’s a lot of ad impressions!

Remember, submitting entries is totally free. Simply login to Coconuts as a free user and start adding your venues here and adding your events here.

After hitting submit, your listing will be reviewed by an admin (we review every submission for quality control purposes, and reserve the right to re-format or edit text to fit Coconuts’ content standards). You will receive an email confirmation once your listing is live on the site.

Tips for creating listings we like:

  1. Use quality photos without logos or watermarks.
  2. Include a description that is, above all, clearly written and useful for your potential customers.
  3. Avoid gimmicks such as sharing your event details IN ALL CAPS or using symbols like ⓐṨ◬ℂ๑❛ᴗ❛.

Check out the directory for KL Events and Venues now, and drop us an email at if you have any questions.


  1. This contest is organized by Coconuts Media (the “Organizer”).
  2. Each prize includes:

1 x Coco Creative Branded Content Campaign, inclusive of:

1,000 word maximum branded article on “Presented by Your Brand”

10 photos from client, 5 links, 2 revisions

1 Facebook post on global @Coconuts page

1 Facebook Post on Coconuts City

2 tweets on @CoconutsCity account

2 tweets on @CoconutsDotCo account

City Never Ending Scroll #1 for 2 days


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