Malaysia’s Roti Canai takes the crown for world’s best bread, according to TasteAtlas

Photo: Mk6aizsc/Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Mk6aizsc/Wikimedia Commons

Malaysia is basking in the glory of a remarkable culinary achievement, as TasteAtlas, a platform dedicated to charting global flavors and cuisines, has bestowed the title of “world’s best bread” upon the beloved roti canai of Malaysia.

Roti canai, a traditional pan-fried flatbread with its roots in Indian culinary heritage, has become synonymous with Malaysia and neighboring nations like Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, and Thailand. Crafted from a blend of flour, water, eggs, and fat, this versatile flatbread is commonly paired with dal and various curries. However, it also exhibits its adaptability through sweet and savory renditions, incorporating ingredients like meats, eggs, or cheese.

What distinguishes roti canai is its signature crispy, buttery, and flaky texture, achieved through the mesmerizing act of dough stretching and tossing, culminating in a sizzling griddle fry. The artistry involved in its preparation often captivates diners, as skilled chefs perform graceful dough acrobatics.

TasteAtlas bestowed an impressive average rating of 4.9 out of 5 upon roti canai. The website eloquently described this dish as “a delectable and versatile culinary creation suitable for any time of day.”

Remarkably, roti canai eclipsed globally celebrated breads like France’s iconic baguette, Italy’s flavorful focaccia and India’s beloved naan. It’s also interesting to note that other flatbreads born from the same dough as roti canai, namely Singapore’s roti prata and India’s paratha, also made the list.

Perhaps we’re just really good at perfecting things here in Malaysia.


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