Yay! You can now text and tweet in HK’s courtrooms

Media and legal scholars are thrilled that the judiciary is allowing all live text-based communication from court, including tweeting, emailing, SMS-ing, and so on.


This is a great step toward keeping up with the international trend to allow text-based communication in the courtrooms.

However, mobile phones and tablets are to be switched to flight mode so they don’t interfere with court recordings. Courts will soon provide wifi networks.

Judges however, still have the right to withdraw the permission to use text-based communications to ensure the proper administration of justice and avoid improper interference with court proceedings. And taking photographs, audio or video recordings, taking phone calls will still be banned.

Bizarrely, drawing a judge, juror or a witness or any part at court proceedings is still not permitted. In fact, court artists must leave the area and draw from memory. 

Source: SCMP



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