Two-year-old African girl found abandoned in Hong Kong

Hong Kong police are appealing for the next of kin of an abandoned two-year-old girl to come forward and claim her.

Described by police as “African”, the toddler, who measures just 84 centimetres and weighs a tiny 12 kilograms, was found on her own near 23 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, on Nov. 14.

She was wearing a blue shirt with a white and red floral pattern and blue sandals. Surprisingly enough, she was not carrying an identity document.

The girl appears to be healthy, but has been admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for observation.

The investigation team of Yau Tsim district are urging the girl’s relatives or anyone with information to come forward. Call (+852) 3661-1650 or email if you can help.

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