Tourist films tram ride through Hong Kong…. in 1936 (VIDEO)

Our trams are awesome, and they have been since they began operations in 1904. Actually, they were probably even cooler back then since the line used to hug the coast and therefore naturally offered better views! 

It looks like the trams will never get old to people, whether in 1904, 2015, or 1936, when this video was shot:


《 白雲蒼狗 – 三十年代香港西灣河筲箕灣道之珍貴影像(1936)》

《 白雲蒼狗 – 三十年代香港西灣河筲箕灣道之珍貴影像(1936)》

Posted by 秋海棠民國史地 on Sunday, June 21, 2015

The clip, posted  yesterday to a Facebook group dedicated to Chinese history, was shot from a tram traveling along Shau Kei Wan Road in Sai Wan Ho. It’s since been shared over 2,500 times. 

Back then, there were more trees, less people, and the old colonial buildings still stood. Sigh. 

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