Sacked radio host Li Wei-Ling: “Leung hated me most in Hong Kong”

After an abrupt dismissal of outspoken Commercial Radio host Li Wei-Ling yesterday, Li has come forward in a press conference to blame CY Leung for her dismissal, stating that “I’m unreservedly, 100 percent sure that this incident is the administration’s suppression of the freedom of press and of speech.” 

According to Li, her former boss Stephen Chan told her that he had come under pressure from the Department of Justice and the Communications Authority, who believed the government was targeting him because he worked at Commercial Radio where Li was always criticising the government. Li said Chan also encountered difficulties when approaching the authorities over the renewal of the station’s license.

But her harshest words were for Leung, of whom she said: “I believe Leung’s life as a chief executive will be shorter than mine as a journalist.” She claimed a senior government official had told her that Leung said he hated her most in Hong Kong.

See related:

Commercial Radio fires government critic Li Wei-ling “for no reason”

Source: SCMP

Photo: Wikimedia Commons



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