Pro-Beijing lawmaker and district council candidate ridiculed for misspelling own name

Pro-Beijing district council election candidate and incumbent legislative councillor Christopher Chung has been ridiculed for spelling his own name wrong on his official election promotion materials. D’oh!

Chung – better known by his nickname “Tree-gun”, a combination between a literal translation and a phonetic transcription of his Chinese name – is running in the Eastern consistuency in the upcoming District Council elections as part of the pro-Beijing party DAB.

On Monday, Civic Party lawmaker Claudia Mo posted a picture to her Facebook page showing that Chung has misspelt his name on his official campaign posters as “Chirs Chung” –  that’s instead of “Chris”, if you’re also a little slow to catch on.

Chung naturally blamed the production company for the mistake, Apple Daily reports.

The pro-Beijing lawmaker has a track record of poor Chinese and English skills, however.

In a Legislative Council hearing with the MTR Corp. in May 2014, Chung was heard grilling the then-CEO Jay Walder in what some people described as Chinglish, and did not seem to comprehend Walder’s response in actual English. He had challenged Walder with the newly coined phrase “same on you” – which was assumingly supposed to mean “shame on you”.

He is also known for misquoting multiple Chinese idioms on public occasions, many of which shot to instant meme fame on the internet. Everyone has a talent, we suppose.

Photo: Facebook

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