Massive cost of living difference between Hong Kong and Kowloon, unless you live off oranges

Although only confirming what we all know already, the latest cost of living calculations from NUMBEO’s show Hong Kong Island to be waaay more expensive than Kowloon, with some amusing exceptions!

The non-government influenced data crunching site, which compares the cost of everything from apples to apartments, says those renting on the island need around HKD44,475 to maintain the same standard of living as HKD36,000 would get you in Kowloon. 

Overall, food and drink prices on Hong Kong Island were found to be around 16 percent higher, with a meal at an “inexpensive restaurant” shooting up from HKD35 to HKD45 (+29 percent) across the bay. Domestic beer also went from HKD24 to HKD35 (+49 percent) and imported beer from HKD13 to HKD30, a whopping 130 percent increase. (We don’t know which bars the researchers are propping up, but we’re keen to hear about anywhere that sells beer for HKD13!)

Rent on Hong Kong Island was also found to be 42 percent higher, with a three-bed apartment in the city centre creeping up from HKD29,600 to HKD42,846.

While the discrepancy between clothes and grocery prices was less extreme (around 9 percent), there were some notable exceptions to the rule. According to the research, you can buy oranges (-17 percent), a summer dress (-16 percent) and time on a tennis court (-16 percent) for less on Hong Kong side.

We know what we’ll be doing, eating and wearing this weekend!


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