Hong Kong police are stepping up their game in anticipation for potential mayhem caused by Occupy Central. The police will take part in a ‘major exercise’ that will last most of today at the Police College in Aberdeen, in order to prepare for the upcoming Occupy Central protest for universal suffrage and annual July 1 march.
In a move sanctioned by the Department of Justice, the college will also be used as a detention centre next Tuesday for mass arrests made during the marches. The college could be used to hold an estimated 3000 or more detainees next week, a source told the South China Morning Post. The same source also said that there would be some 4000 police officers deployed to deal with the estimated 100,000 protesters, excluding officers from the crime squad or intelligence unit.
This is all part of a larger scale operation codenamed Solarpeak, which includes the Security Bureau, amongst other agencies, convened to deal with Occupy Central. According to Occupy Central, the poll has garnered 734,737 between noon on June 20th and 5pm on June 24th.
Photo: James Cridland