Hiking with Heart: Filipino hikers seen picking up litter in Ma On Shan praised widely by Hong Kong netizens

As the temperature begins to drop (marginally), more and more Hongkongers are making the most of the territory’s myriad hiking trails. Unfortunately, it appears that some of these merryweather trekkers have been littering around the paths, ruining the otherwise picture-perfect country park settings.

However, one group of hikers is setting an example for the rest of us. 

This status posted by a man named Edward So, reads:

“While exercising on Ma On Shan today, I saw seven or eight Filipino domestic helpers each carrying a big bag and filling them up with trash as they hiked. My fellow hikers, would you be glad to see people from other countries having to tidy your native land? I feel so embarrassed!”

He later added, “All I did was say ‘proud of you’ to them before going on my merry way. So shameful.”

So’s words have attracted hundreds of responses on his status and was shared by 100 Most, a popular online publication. The vast majority of commenters simply expressed their gratitude towards the women for their countryside cleanup, and agreed with So that they, as native Hongkongers, were embarrassed at their comparative lack of civic-mindedness. 

Some even noted that they’d spotted the group further along the MacLehose Trail, conscientiously collecting trash.

“Truly top class human beings! Hong Kong people also need to work hard and do good for the city!” one person wrote.

“The visors around their heads are as beautiful as angels’ halos. Sincere thanks,” said another.

“This is praiseworthy. We Hongkongers should learn from this and follow their example,” read one rather sage comment.

However, many commenters rightfully pointed out that So had no way of knowing whether the women were helpers or not.

“While there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a domestic helper, the problem is you can’t automatically assume a group of Filipino women are maids. Can you also determine exactly what every commenter on this post does? I’m interested in your psychic powers,” someone wrote.

After the post was shared widely on social media, word got back to some of the helpful hikers, who revealed that the women photographed formed only one of six groups who had embarked on their mission to clean up the MacLehose Trail. 

Photo: Nel Lau Oi via Facebook

While the group calls themselves “Filipina Extreme Hikers”, they proudly noted that some members are in fact Indonesian.


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