Freedom of expression and press freedom rally this Sunday

In light of the sudden replacement of Ming Pao’s Chinese newspaper chief editor and termination of government critic and Commercial Radio host, Li Wei-ling, the Hong Kong Journalists Association will be staging a rally this Sunday.

The protest is to voice concerns over press freedom and freedom of expression in Hong Kong, and urging the chief executive, Leung Chun-ying to protect free speech in Hong Kong.

The replacement of Ming Pao’s Chinese newspaper chief editor has led many academics to believe that Hong Kong’s press freedom is under threat.

The Hong Kong government is also believed to be behind Li Wei-ling’s termination, to suppress free speech by orchestrating her sacking via political influence. Although Leung has denied interfering with the press.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association is gathering members of the public to join in the rally to fight for Hong Kong’s freedom of speech. Will you be joining?

See related:

Sacked radio host Li Wei-Ling: “Leung hated me most in Hong Kong”

Commercial Radio fires government critic Li Wei-ling “for no reason”

Malaysian officially appointed as chief editor of Ming Pao’s Chinese newspaper

200 protest outside Ming Pao offices

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Academics raise concern over replacement of Ming Pao editor

Ming Pao no longer most trusted, editor replaced

Source: RTHK

Photo: HKJA Facebook


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