Forbidden fruit: Adorable bat sinks teeth into produce at Hong Kong supermarket

Alright, we know that technically pests in food are a huge “no-no”, but one Hongkonger’s photo of what looks like a little fruit bat hanging out with some apples has got us cooing at our desks.  

The furry bat was seen enthusiastically getting a taste for knowledge (or just trying to keep those pesky bat doctors away) in the fruit section of the International supermarket on King’s Road in North Point. One might even say the little fella is batty for fruit…

According to Apple Daily, a shopper surnamed Pun originally mistook the bat for a large rodent before getting closer. What, did the wings not give it away?

In the true spirit of “pics or gtfo”, Pun reportedly took a photo of the fruit-loving bat and left, presumably to leak the story to the most appropriately named publication he could find (good job, buddy!).

Pun expressed his concern about the supermarket’s hygiene standards, saying “Normally I would be scared to see just cockroaches and rodents in supermarkets, but such a large bat [in a supermarket] is really over the line”.

He added that he would report the incident to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. Ouch! How do you like them apples?

The manager of the branch of International in question reportedly refused to comment on the situation.


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