Expensive designer handbags stolen from store in Central

There’s bag snatching and then there’s bag snatching.

And in a case deserving of emphasis, three thieves this morning escaped with HK$1.44 million (US$184,000) worth of designer handbags after smashing their way into a shop in Central.

According to Sing Tao Daily, the break-in was discovered by security guards at the store in the Man Yee Building about 7:30am.

The SCMP reported that 15 bags including 14 Hermes and one YSL were stolen in the raid, in which three offenders smashed the display window and took the merchandise in less than a minute.

A sledgehammer was left inside the shop.

The shop is a pop-up location for online luxury bazaar Guiltless, founded by Yen Kuok, the youngest child of Malaysian billionaire Robert Kuok.

The bags were second-hand like a lot of wares sold by the store, which specializes in trading “unwanted fashion items.”

According to its website, the location opened Oct. 24 and was to run until Dec. 26.

The SCMP also reported another robbery of a HK$40,000 watch as well as HK$10,000 in foreign currency from a luxury apartment in Stanley on Sunday.


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