Drinking to Excess: Hong Kong has the world’s 2nd most expensive beer in index of 75 cities

GoEuro, a bus, train and flight comparison site for Europe, has released its 2015 Beer Price Index, which gives us very important information about where it is cheapest (and most expensive) to guzzle down a refreshing pint.

The Polish city of Krakow has the cheapest beer on the list of 75 cities around the world, with a 330ml glass from a bar setting you back by USD2.70 (HKD21), and only USD0.62 (HKD4.81) if you buy it from a supermarket – giving beer an average price of USD1.66 (HKD12.8) overall.

Pretty sweet.

Next come Kiev and Ukraine with a beer costing USD1.66 (HKD12.9) on average, and Bratislava, Slovakia, where the average cost is USD1.69 (HKD13.10).

So you better start booking your flights to Eastern Europe – think about all the money you’d save!

Geneva is the world’s most expensive destination for beer, with 330ml of beer at a bar costing USD10.77 (HKD83.49) on average, probably because all those diplomats who need a drink after a long day of accomplishing nothing are driving up the demand.

Unfortunately, Hong Kong is the second most expensive city on the list, with a beer costing USD1.46 (HKD11.3) from a supermarket and USD10.86 (HKD84.2), from a bar, giving it an average price of USD6.16 (HKD47.75).

In Singapore, the second most expensive Asian city on the list, beer costs USD5.13 (HKD39.8) on average.

We’re not sure where GoEuro has been buying its beer in Hong Kong, because we sure as hell are not going to pay HKD84 for less than a pint of beer.

But they are definitely right that at the end of every weekend, we stare at our empty wallets and wonder where it’s all gone….

Here’s the full index:



Header photo: Quinn Dombroski via Flickr


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