Look at Me! Wan Chai reactions to in-your-face photography

This guy doesn’t like being distracted from his paper

What would you do if a complete stranger shoved a camera in your face on the street? 

Rainbow Kwok, a young photographer from Hong Kong, did exactly that in Wan Chai as a “social experience”. 

Stalking people with her lens until they looked up, Kwok managed to captured the very first reactions of her muses. 

Blue Steel

Some were curious, some were angry, some were surprisingly joyful and, of course, some were so shy they tried to block their faces from the photos. 

Kwok told Coconuts HK, “It was a really fun experience. I didn’t say one word throughout the shoot, yet I was saying ‘look at me’ in my mind the whole time, hoping people would notice me so I could capture their reactions. 

“It was very interesting how different people reacted, and I could never predict the responses I got. It was also really exciting  as some people exhibited really extreme reactions. I even got pushed and my camera almost broke at one point.”

The one-finger salute

The two-finger salute​

This guy’s almost jolly

This guy is ACTUALLY jolly!

The blockers:

The Boss and his buddies:


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