Comrades Unite: At the Revolutionary Fervour exhibition of Chinese propaganda posters!

China has a turbulent history, ranging from the Great Famine of the late 50s and early 60s to the Cultural Revolution of ’66 – ’76.

But, you may ask, how did China’s immense population get swept into participating in all these harebrained schemes? It was the work of propaganda, of course, primarily in poster-form.

“Welcome the People’s Volunteer Army”

If you’re keen to see, and take with you, a slice of Chinese cultural history, Picture This Gallery (9 Queen’s Road Central) is the next best place to go after the Hong Kong Army Cadets Association.

“Take part in sports. Train your body for the revolution”

The Revolutionary Fervour exhibition will showcase a massive selection of original vintage Chinese propaganda posters from Jan. 22 to Feb. 7.

Swallow a solid a dose of political and social campaigns from the 1950s to the late 1990s, with more than 70 posters from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976).

“Constructing the new mountains of socialism”

You’ll see a lot of red, a lot of Mao and a whole lot of motivating slogans like, “Be Alert, Protect the Country” and “Raise the Revolutionary Flag High!”

And if you love the posters so much, you can can also buy them.

With Valentines Day coming up, they’ll make the perfect revolutionary gift, along with pickup lines like: “Roses are red, so is the state. Let us be comrades, because you are great!”

“Strongly condemn the British imperialists for their fascist atrocities” 

What: Revolutionary Fervour exhibition 
When: Jan. 22 – Feb. 7, 2015 (opening party, 6pm – 8:30pm, Jan 22).
Where: Picture This Gallery, Suite 1308, 13th Floor, 9 Queen’s Road Central


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