Chow Yun Fat on China’s alleged ban on pro-Occupy celebrities: “Then I’ll just make less!”

Chow Yun Fat – who’s come out as a supporter of the Umbrella Movement since criticizing the police for their use of tear gas – was asked by a reporter about his thoughts on China’s alleged ban on pro-democracy celebrities.

His response? “Then I’ll just make less!” reports Apple Daily.

Mr Chow, you are one BAMF. It’s not like we didn’t know that already, but we just wanted to reiterate it.

He demonstrates that you’ve got to make a stand for your beliefs, no matter what they are.

Kenny G could learn a thing or two.

The American saxophonist frantically groveled to China and declared he didn’t support the pro-democracy protesters after Beijing slammed his visit to Occupy Central – even though he allegedly told people that he “hoped [the protesters] will win eventually”.

The New York Times reports that several publicly pro-demodracy artists have been shunned by companies and fans in mainland China, which is the source of much income for many.

An op-ed run in Xinhua, a mouthpiece for the Chinese government, had some intense vitriol for celebrity supporters of Occupy Central.

“You have violated the principles of ‘one country, two systems,’ challenged the authority of the central party, ignored the Basic Law, and earned fistfuls of cash only to then turn and scold your motherland… Is this how you treat the country that gave birth to you and raised you?”

That’s rather dramatic.

Photo: Matthew Jacobs via Flickr

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