Is there any franchise out there more beloved by the millennial generation like Harry Potter? (That’s a rhetorical question; there is not.) Understandably then, the Coconuts Hong Kong office freaked out a lot when we learned that Hong Kong’s finally got its first Harry Potter café.
9¾ Café — named after the hidden Hogwarts Express platform at King’s Cross Station in London, but you should know that already — opened quietly last week, on Yin Chong Street in Mong Kok. Potterheads will no doubt be swept away by the meticulously decorated space with its wall-mounted wands and broomsticks, stuffed owls, portraits of witches and wizards, and plentiful (electric) candlelight.
Haven’t made it to London to pose with the half-disappearing trolley at King’s Cross? Don’t worry, 9¾ Café’s got one of those too (complete with Hedwig in a cage), which we’re sure will feature in many a selfie.
But what of the food? Well, just like Youtube sensation Binging with Babish, we have also long been intrigued by how the cuisine from films and television really taste. The menu at 9¾ Café features some Harry Potter-specific concoctions, such as the disgusting-but-disguising Polyjuice Potion, passion-inducing Amortentia love potion, golden Felix Felicis (a.k.a. “liquid luck”), and the truth-prompting Veritaserum — although we don’t see any of Hazza P’s fave, pumpkin juice.
While the Hogsmeade popup at Times Square is long gone, witches and wizards over the age of 18 can still make like they’re at the Three Broomsticks and down a pint of Butterbeer.
Most of the pasta dishes have been named after dragons and other mythical creatures. This one has been dubbed the “Nargles penne”
Food-wise, the café serves up a selection of Western starters and mains, which have all been named after various mythical creatures and charms from the series, such as the soft shell crab Aragog salad, Romanian longhorn pumpkin pasta (after one of the dragons from Goblet of Fire), and Prior Incantato cream of mushroom soup. At the moment, it looks like the menu’s only in Chinese, but hopefully it’ll be translated into English soon so everyone can appreciate the creativity.
Well, what are you waiting for? (Other than your Hogwarts acceptance letter.) Hop on your Nimbus 2000 — Firebolt if you’re fancy — and get down there, already.
9¾ Café, Suite 404, Hing Fat Industrial Building, 9 Yin Chong Street, Mong Kok