Year’s rent waived for burned-out vendors at Bangkok’s Chatuchak Market

Photo: @I_Knew / Twitter
Photo: @I_Knew / Twitter

The luck of some Chatuchak Weekend Market vendors hopefully turned as corner today with word they will be compensated after a large fire ripped through part of the market.

Bangkok’s Gov. Aswin Kwanmuang announced that all affected vendors would be compensated THB10,000 (US$318) for damage to their shops. What’s more, they will be able to remain rent-free for a year. High rents had been a growing complaint of vendors in recent years at the property now managed by the state railway.

Temporary tents will be set up this weekend in lieu of replacement stalls now being built, Aswin said, with construction expected to conclude in about two months.

Blaze damages 100+ shops at Chatuchak Weekend Market

Sunday’s night blaze was the worst to hit the sprawling market in northern Bangkok in 30 years. It spread starting at about 9:30pm to damage some 110 shops and injure two people at the popular market that welcomes about 200,000 people every weekend.

Its dilapidated infrastructure and haphazard power lines remain the prime suspect in the blaze. Vendors in the area have agreed to inspect their power lines to deter future blazes, but it was not said whether the city would take additional action.

As of Thursday afternoon, the burned section of the market remained closed for safety reasons.

Related stories:

Blaze damages 100+ shops at Chatuchak Weekend Market



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