Woman’s Toyota burns up after she lights incense to pay respect to car goddess

Screenshot: Morning News
Screenshot: Morning News

A Thai woman in Kamphaeng Phet province just lost the front part of her Toyota in a fire yesterday after she lit incense sticks inside to pay respect to the “goddess” living inside her car.

On the occasion of the Buddhist Ghost Festival yesterday, in which Thais of Chinese descent pay respect to their ancestors, Janjira Tuangyu, 24, decided to light incense sticks to honor her Toyota Vios’ goddess and insert them into the tiny space between the vehicle and the license plate.

After the ceremony, she went back inside her apartment to take a shower, but she heard the building’s maid screaming after she found the car in flames.

The gardener put out the fire before the entire vehicle burned.

Screenshot: Morning News

Police were notified about the incident, Thairath reported.

Many Thai people believe that their cars have a goddess protecting them. Therefore, Thais often bestow these goddess with flower garlands, commonly placed on top of the console or hung from the rear-view mirror.

This would explain why we see a lot of flower vendors roaming through traffic in Thailand, including this flower man who dresses up like a Spider-Man and came into rescue at a car accident on Monday.

Screenshot: Morning News


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