‘Twins from Hell’ arrested for the rape of multiple underaged girls in Ratchaburi province

Two 19-year-olds brothers, who various Thai media outlets have dubbed “the twins from hell”, were arrested last night in Ratchaburi province in connection with the sexual assault of several underaged girls 

Officers from the metro and cyber police divisions have apprehended the twins, identified as Yutthana and Wanthana or Parn and Pai, who are alleged to have lured and molested children across Ratchaburi province using Facebook.

The first twin, Yutthana, was arrested at a construction site in Ratchaburi where he denied harming several girls who have come forward to accuse him and his brother of raping them. He led the police to a house in Suphan Buri province where police arrested his brother, Wanthana.

Both brothers have been charged under two sections of the criminal code: abducting minors under 15 years old for indecency, which carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to THB20,000 (US$575), as well as sexually assaulting minors under 15, which carries a maximum penalty of up to 20 years and a fine of THB400,000.

According to the police, the twin’s modus operandi involved selecting victims through Facebook, prioritizing those in close proximity who were “junior high school girls” not exceeding 15 years of age or those who appeared innocent.

They would then lure and deceive the victims before subjecting them to sexual assault. Moreover, after the assaults, they would threaten the victims with further harm should they report what had happened before releasing them.

All of the alleged victims were young female junior high school students in the Ratchaburi province area. Some were reportedly too scared to attend school after being assaulted while others were too afraid to leave their homes and even contemplated suicide.

Police say the first incident allegedly occurred in February when a grade 7 student was lured by “the twins from Hell” via Facebook. The boys invited the girl out to go shopping but she ended up in an abandoned house where they raped her.

Cyber police found four more victims who came forward and reported similar incidents.

Reports also noted that there were several other children who fell victim to the so-called “Devil Twins” but were still too afraid to report them to the authorities.

Arrest warrants for the twins were issued on May 22, when national police chief Damrongsak Kittiprapas said the brothers posed a threat to society. 

After they were arrested, police learned the siblings both had prior criminal records including numerous property offenses and offenses of a sexual nature  

Wanthana has denied all the charges, He told the investigating officers that he completed his education up to Grade 9 and had been involved in motorcycle thefts, having been apprehended three times as a minor for property offenses.

Additionally, he was once arrested in connection with a drug-related case involving the sale of 2,000 amphetamine pills. He was released in April 2015 and currently works in an auto repair shop.

Wanthana was reportedly unremorseful for his actions, telling the police he preferred young girls, preferably when they are menstruating.

He also mentioned that, after some of the incidents, relatives of the victims would contact him, criticizing him and demanding money. He reportedly responded, “You want money? Why? Does your daughter’s vagina smell like jasmine? I don’t have money. All I have is my penis and my life. Do you want them?”


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