Thammasat students run racy anti-uniform ads

Posters of uniformed students in compromising positions have been erected around Thammasat University’s Rangsit campus to protest against,  what some students believe, is the restrictive nature of the required clothing.

The posters display provocative images of students doing the dirty with the messages:
“Did you have to wear uniform during mid-term?”
“Is sex better in uniform?”
“Uniform is challenging.”
“Unleash your identity.”

“Thammasat is a university of democracy, then why are we forced to wear uniform when clothing doesn’t determine education?” asked Aum Neko, the campaign founder.

She added that Thammasat University or “The University of Moral and Political Sciences” in English is an institute where human rights and democracy are highly valued. The university should not limit students’ creativity by forcing them to wear uniforms.

Another supporter who supports the movement is Netiwit Chotipatpaisan, a high-school student and the creator of the Facebook page “Netiwit Ntw.”

“Anyone should be able to wear whatever they want, and educational institutes are supposed to develop students’ thoughts and creativity, not teaching them what’s right or wrong,” Netiwt wrote of his Facebook page.

Chayapol Panhakarn, a contestant of KPN singing competition, thought differently. He posted a photo of himself in uniform on Instagram, with a caption:

“I am proud to be wearing Thammasat uniform on stage. Thanks to TU Band for giving me an opportunity to do creative activities like singing with them. You should respect the uniform, symbols, and identity of Thammasat. If you can’t do it and just have to go out there to claim your freedom then study somewhere else. Don’t apply to Thammasat in the first place and make rooms for other people who really want it.”

Unlike other government universities, Thammasat only requires students to wear uniforms while taking tests or participating in a ceremonies. Students are allowed to dress casually on regular school days. Despite those allowances the protestors feel uniforms are unnecessary, MThai and Kapook reported.


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