Thai same-sex couple weds after new wife completes sex change

Screenshot: Khaosod
Screenshot: Khaosod

To start a life with a man she loves, a 35-year-old transgender Thai woman had sex reassignment surgery and got married to her partner on Sunday.

Monchai Saengtongsuk married her 23-year-old partner of five years, Anurak Inno, in an extravagant Thai wedding with a thousand guests.

To honor his bride, Anurak presented her with a dowry worth THB1 million (about US$30,200). It included THB300,000 (US$9,069) in cash, a gold necklace, bracelet, and not one but two wedding rings.

The couple hosted a Chinese feast for their guests at the evening reception. The banquet had a total of 150 tables, Khaosod reported. 

Screenshot: Khaosod

Monchai said she met Anurak when they worked together at a meat processing company. She said she really “enjoyed working with him” and that he truly understands her.

Monchai decided to undergo a sex change operation last year, which pleased Anurak. They decided to have a wedding to prove that “love has no boundaries.”

While same-sex marriage has not been legalized in Thailand, symbolic weddings between same-sex couples have increasingly gained popularity.


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