Thai man pulls enormous, moving tapeworm out of his behind (Video)

Photo: Rad Photographer / Facebook
Photo: Rad Photographer / Facebook

Imagine this: After you finish going No. 2, you feel as if there’s something remaining that you can’t quite get out. Upon further investigation, you end up dragging a long, sticky tapeworm –  that’s still moving – out of your behind.

Well, that’s exactly what happened to 44-year-old freelance photographer Kritsada Ratprachoom, whose bizzare tapeworm discovery is going viral on social media today. 

“I had just finished dropping my child off at school and ran some errands when I had to go No. 2. Afterward, I felt like I wasn’t finished defecating, like something was left. So I got up to see what it was. Turns out there was something sticking out of by bottom,” the Udon Thani resident told Khaosod.

“Tapeworm” wasn’t Kritsada’s first thought, however, having just had his appendix taken out last week,  he thought it could have been a thread remaining from the surgery. 

Until he started pulling on it. And realized it was sticky and stretchy – “like elastic.” He believes it could be stretched out to be as long as 10 meters.

When he put it down, it started moving. So naturally Kritsada filmed and uploaded it. 

In the video the long tapeworm, coiled up, can be seen slow slithering around. 

In the end, Kritsada ended up flushing the creature down the toilet. He added that he was shocked because it was his first tapeworm encounter. He does not know where it might have come from. 

As of publication time, Kritsada had not responded to requests for comment on this urgent matter.


Totally Gross: Thai woman discovers intact tapeworms in several cans of fish (VIDEO)




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