Thai girl to sue her surgeon after botched THB190,000 plastic surgery

When Thai model Ploynatchaya “Ploy” Siriphatdeejiranon thought her career was going well, she decided to spend her savings on surgery to change the shape of her jaw. It turns out she was seriously injured from a surgery that went completely wrong.

Ploynatchaya, 26, along with her mother and lawyer, filed a complaint with Muang Nonthaburi police yesterday on grounds of recklessly causing serious injury.

Ploynatchaya explained, in tears, about how before, she was featured in Smooth E cosmetics commercials and the music video “Mai Whai Gor Thong Whai” by artist Jeasmine. Through those two, she received other jobs until she managed to save up money to get plastic surgery, Daily News reported.

She wanted to get work done on her jaw and cheeks, to increase her beauty. They told her it would cost her THB190,000. Unfortunately, when she left the hospital, they did more harm than good.

She said that her mouth was crooked, the bones in her cheeks were no longer connected to one another, and there was a burn mark under her her chin.

When she contacted the hospital about the burn mark, they simply told her not to panic and that time heals all wounds. They also said that the burn was caused by mishandling of a surgical instrument.

She went back to the hospital for them to treat her, but said that after going back many times, nothing was getting better.

“When they saw that I wasn’t getting any better, they said that they were going to charge me the next time I visited. That made me even more stressed. I confided with my mother about what I should do, and we ended up going to another hospital.”

“They scanned my face and told me that they will have to sew and pull my face into place, to stop my cheeks from drooping, which would continue doing so without treatment. It was going to cost me THB15,000 for every visit.”

She ended up going to the police to file a complaint, wishing to sue the hospital and the doctor who caused this.

“I am no longer confident. I can’t get a job or go to work any longer, because now, I have trouble speaking coherently and there’s always saliva drooling out from my mouth. I have lost serious earning potential, when I should actually be making more. That’s why I want justice and I hope everyone will support me after what I’ve been through.”

Unfortunately, many netizens who have read her story ended up criticizing her choice to get plastic surgery to begin with, saying that she should have been happy with her natural beauty.



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