Thai-farang dating mocked in hilarious Phuket real estate commercial (VIDEO)

Looking for a laugh (or grimace) this Friday afternoon? Real Estate has posted a video so funny and cringe-worthy that we can’t believe it’s an ad to sell their product.


Real estate is actually never mentioned in the romantic, 50-second clip. It starts with your typical sexpat distinguished foreign gentleman swiping through a dating app until he finds a lady he likes. They go to dinner have a bunch of drinks and go back to her place. In the morning, he gets a surprise. You might be able to imagine what it is but you probably have 50-seconds to spare for this one.

They never talk about real estate, just flash their logo and end with the words. “What you see online isn’t always what you get in real life.”

Wise words.

Whoever made this video needs to be promoted or fired. We’re not sure which.


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