Thai cops mull legal action against Chinese TikToker for dissing Soi Nana

Thai police are getting all up in arms over a Chinese TikTok influencer who dared to say that Soi Nana, Bangkok’s infamous nightlife district, ain’t exactly the safest place for solo female travelers.

As reported by The Nation, Pol. Maj.-Gen. Phanthana Nutchanart, the deputy commissioner of the Immigration Bureau, confirmed that they’re hot on the trail of the TikToker in question, a Douyin star who goes by the name Ziyu Wang.

Phanthana admitted that Wang was totally within her rights to post her opinion online, even if it wasn’t sunshine and rainbows for the Land of Smiles.

So, what’s the deal then? Well, Phanthana said that the police are keen to “summon the tourist for interrogation” to try and figure out what exactly she was hoping to achieve with her video. Apparently, Wang’s video went viral in China, causing quite a stir among tourism operators who are already struggling with the negative impact of “fake news and negative news” on the kingdom’s image.

In her video, which came up on everybody’s radar on Wednesday, Wang claimed that 99 percent of the people hanging around Soi Nana are “not good people”.

Wang also claimed that she deliberately put herself in harm’s way by visiting Soi Nana alone and waiting for strangers to approach her. The reasoning? She wanted to “warn women”about the potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

“A moment ago that man said to me: ‘How are you today?’ But I could say had he pulled me away, I would not have been able to escape. You, women, if you are here and if you are approached, I can guarantee you won’t be able to escape.”

The authorities are still figuring out their next move against Wang. In the meantime, Khaosod English reported that authorities have heightened the visibility of tourist police in Soi Nana to refute Wang’s claims that the area is unsafe for women.

Police also urged the public to report any harmful or suspicious behaviors in Soi Nana to the 24-hour hotline 1155.


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