Thai boy with live lizard on his head shows you how to make ‘Spicy Lizard Salad’ (VIDEO)

A hilarious video of a country boy cooking “spicy lizard salad,” or what he refers to as a “summer dish,” has taken Facebook by storm.

It’s simple, really. The boy, who has a live lizard crawling around on his chef’s hat, narrates the cooking video with an Isaan accent: “Just grill the lizards. Don’t add any salt. Chop them, crush them.”

Then add some vegetables, mangos, fish sauce and a whole lot of chilies. Mix everything together, and there you have “koi kapom,” or spicy lizard salad.


Then it’s time to eat, as the boy passes the questionable salad to his chunky friend who demonstrates how delicious the lizard meat is on camera.

“Is it good, fattie?” the little chef asked, to which the tubby boy responds with a thumbs up.

“It’s good. Right, fattie? You don’t do sh*t. You just wait around to eat,” the skinny boy said.

The simple video has been viewed 4 million times and was produced by the Facebook entertainment page Ptss.

Some netizens suggested that the boy forgot to skin the lizards, while the others shrugged it off and said the salad definitely looks “saap,” an Isaan word for “delicious.”


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