Taxi driver slingshots a rock at Thai superstar Mario Maurer’s Porsche

Photo: Instagram and FM91BKK
Photo: Instagram and FM91BKK

Damaging someone’s car in an act of road rage is silly, especially when it’s a Porsche that belongs to Mario Maurer, one of Thailand’s top superstars.

Cabbie Udon Sutthison, 37, may lose his job after he slingshot a rock at Mario’s Porsche and broke its’ side window when the actor allegedly cut in front of him yesterday afternoon.

In an incident on Bangkok’s Ratchaprarop Road, Mario, who’s known regionally for his lead role in blockbuster “Pee Mak,” was filmed by bystanders settling his quarrel with the taxi driver on the roadside.

The 29-year-old star is seen talking on the phone as the police catalog the incident. When encountering the cabbie, Mario says, “If the glass had hit my eyes and blinded me, how would you have compensated me?”

Udon told the police that Mario cut in front of him, so he opened his window and scolded the actor, whom he alleged also scolded back. Udon then shot a rock at Mario’s window.  

The case was recorded at Phaya Thai police station. Mario refused to give interviews as he “did not want to make a big deal out of it.”

Photo: FM91BKK

Pol. Col. Nithiwat Saensing, commander of Phaya Thai police, said he’s sending a letter to the Department of Land Transport to suspend Udon’s taxi permit, Khaosod reported.

The actor didn’t want to press charges, but police charged the cabbie with damaging another’s property, which carries a jail term of up to three years and/ or a fine of up to THB6,000.

Udon was also charged with a forcible attack that did not cause the victim to sustain any bodily harm. The punishment is an imprisonment of up to one month in prison and/or a fine of THB1,000.

Mario, an actor of Thai, Chinese, and German descent, became famous for his breakthrough role in the 2007 movie “Love of Siam.” He was also the lead star of Thailand’s highest grossing film of all time, Pee Mak, a comedy horror which earned more than THB33 billion worldwide.


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