‘Super Tuesday’ has just begun for U.S. Democrats in Thailand. Here’s where to vote.

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Mike Bloomberg, Joe Biden. Photos: Gage Skidmore
Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Mike Bloomberg, Joe Biden. Photos: Gage Skidmore

As you may have heard, there’s a little election this year overseas. Whether you want to make Warren on the status quo, launch a Sanders-style revolution, stay steady with Joe or bank on Bloomberg’s billions, American voters abroad get a say in choosing the candidate to take on Trump in November.

What’s called Super Tuesday is the day voters abroad join 14 states and one territory in selecting the Democratic Party candidate to contest the general election.

Democrats living abroad who will be 18 by Election Day can vote today through March 10 at five locations in Bangkok as well as Pattaya and Chiang Mai.

In Bangkok, Democrats Abroad is operating voting stations Tuesday, Wednesday and March 10 at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand next to BTS Chit Lom. Saturday at Roadhouse BBQ on Surawong Road, and Wednesday at Beergasm in the Nichada Thani community. Thursday in Pattaya, go to Robin Hood Tavern in The Avenue shopping mall. Up in Lannaland, hit the Green Nimman Chiang Mai University Residence on Saturday.

Of course, despite the lack of competition, many on the right are enthusiastic to show their support for four-more-MAGA years, so why only Democrats? Because the GOP has no overseas primaries or caucuses.

Former Democrats Abroad Chairman Phil Robertson was characteristically restrained and dispassionate when asked why:

“What that shows is the general contempt the Republican Party has for Americans living outside of the country, and their serious concerns about taxation, Medicare, and other problems facing overseas Americans.”

He said that in 2016, 70% of voters abroad supported Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who went on to lose to Hillary Clinton.

Democrats living overseas are treated like a state and will get 21 delegates – a sliver of the 4,750 total – at the party’s Milwaukee convention in July. Thirteen are pledged delegates; eight are so-called superdelegates.

Democrats Abroad says it is operating 230 voting centers in 45 countries around the world. Voters can register with the group and vote online as well.


Trump has just collected enough votes to be next U.S. President


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