Sorry, brew: Thai Airways apologizes for coffee spill incident

Photo: Thai Airways
Photo: Thai Airways

Thai Airways is investigating an incident involving a hot coffee spill that injured a passenger on a recent flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. The airline has issued a statement expressing its sincere regret for the incident and promising compensation for the affected passenger.

As reported by Bangkok Post, according to a complaint the passenger had posted online recently, a flight attendant serving hot coffee accidentally spilled the beverage on him, causing burns to various parts of his body. The passenger further claims that the coffee was served by hand instead of being placed on a tray, raising concerns about standard procedures.

The airline’s investigation will focus on determining the cause of the incident and reviewing the serving practices for hot beverages. While expressing sympathy for the injured passenger, Thai Airways says it is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all its passengers.

The passenger also reported feeling disappointed with the initial response from the flight attendant, who allegedly did not provide adequate first aid and left him to seek assistance independently. This aspect of the incident will also be reviewed as part of the investigation.

On a positive note, the passenger praised the actions of his seatmate who ordered the coffee. He said the seatmate expressed genuine concern and support throughout the ordeal, even accompanying him to the hospital and waiting until he was discharged from the emergency room.

Thai Airways is expected to provide further updates on the investigation and its outcome.


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