Showers to ease Bangkok’s heat wave – for now

File photo: Mike Behnken/CC-by-SA 2.0
File photo: Mike Behnken/CC-by-SA 2.0

The sustained heat wave that made every moment outdoors agony and sent air conditioners into overtime for the past month is forecast to break this week.

Late-morning showers due in Bangkok today will increase in the coming days, bringing the mercury down several degrees before ticking back up slightly over the weekend, according to meteorologists.

In Bangkok, that means highs falling to a less-apocalyptic 33C on Wednesday before ticking back up to 35C for the weekend, where it is expected to hover into early next month.

Air pollution this morning ranked a mere “moderate,” with levels of the most dangerous microparticulate pollution at about six times the acceptable WHO level. Pollution is expected to remain “unhealthy for sensitive groups” in the coming days, but the seasonal surge usually ends with April.

The month-long heat wave that started mid-March peaked this past Thursday and Friday with highs of a blistering 39C.


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