Protesters to march on palace Sunday with ‘letters for the king’

Protesters parade Oct. 14 from the Democracy Monument to the Government House to protest the government. Photo: Coconuts
Protesters parade Oct. 14 from the Democracy Monument to the Government House to protest the government. Photo: Coconuts

The next mass rally will take place Sunday with another provocative goal, this time to march on the palace with letters addressed to the king.

The Free Youth Movement announced at around noon that the rally will start at 4pm on Sunday at the Democracy Monument before marching to “hand letters from all people to our king.”

“For this next protest, let’s gather at 4pm on Nov. 8 at the Democracy Monument, where everyone will write a letter and hand them to our king,” the announcement said. “Let’s turn out together to show our stance that this country can be better and insist on our three demands.”

The three demands protesters have been calling for are the resignation of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, a people-oriented constitution revision and, lastly, the reform of monarchy.

“This is not an option, but the only way to lead the country out of crisis,” the movement’s statement said.

Protest organizer Chonticha “Lookkate” Changrew said everyone will be welcome to write a letter to take to the king along with one collective letter being prepared as well.

In October, pro-democracy protesters marched to the Government House where they unexpectedly encountered a royal motorcade that had been diverted from its planned route. One of those present and charged with attempting to harm the queen today filed a legal complaint accusing the police of malfeasance for redirecting the motorcade. 

Last week, thousands marched on the German Embassy with a letter asking Berlin to investigate whether the king had violated any laws while staying in Germany, where he usually resides.


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