People actually want these pretentious thornless durians (PHOTOS)

Photos: Por Pala-U Farm/ Facebook
Photos: Por Pala-U Farm/ Facebook

Photos of “thornless” durians which are said to be “good for travel” are taking the internet by storm.

These durians with their thorns carved out are from Por Pala-U Farm in the beach town of Hua Hin. Farm owner Siwakapon Rattanarungrueng said that he has been selling thornless durians for over five years.

“Customers come to buy durians to bring home, but the thorns make their travel a hassle,” he said.

Siwakapon said he spends five minutes on each durian to chop off the thorns with a knife. Although the demand for these durians has increased, Siwakapon continues to sell them without an extra charge.

“We grow Monthong durians. They have a sweet taste, fine texture, and less distinct smell,” he said.

After their Facebook post went viral today, they are receiving countless friend requests and have made their profile private for some reason.


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