“Destroy all the rules of deliciousness with the brand new pizza made with real ‘Monthong’ [a type of durian] durian” bodes the perhaps-overly energetic voiceover that accompanies The Pizza Company’s new TV commercial.
Yeah, durian pizza. Let that sit for a second.
Since the Pizza Company announced their latest promotion on Wednesday, they’ve received mixed reactions from skeptical netizens.
“It’s so good. It’s like eating a fresh, real durian,” writes a commenter who’d already tried it, complete with an attached photo to prove it.

“I’m never going to a pizza store ever again. I hate durian,” writes another who for some reason felt the need to take it out on an entire industry.
The Monthong Durian pizza is only be available in Thailand and for a limited time, from now until Nov. 21. Prices start at THB259 (about US$8) a pop.
While the jury’s still out on its deliciousness, the ad definitely nailed the rule-breaking part.
So, what do you think? Oooh or eww?

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