Officials to clean-up ‘100-death Ratchada Curve’ shrine

Bangkok Administration plans to remove some offerings left by locals at “100-death Ratchada Curve” shrine in a bid to clean-up the area.

Food, water, flowers, Thai traditional costumes and zebra sculptures are placed at the Bodhi tree, the landmark on the median strip of Ratchada road, as a sign of respect.

According to local legend, nearly 100 motorists have rammed into the Bodhi tree at the deadly curve, and once someone dies there, it is believed the ghost then seeks someone to replace it.

It is also a well-known tradition for motorists to honk their horns when driving through the curve as a sign of respect.

The shrine is hard to access because the road is difficult to cross, which means a lot of people leave their offerings, mostly zebra sculptures, on the overpass above the curve, blocking the walkway.

Banjong Sukdee, secretary-general of Bangkok Administration, said it is the organization’s job to get rid of offerings that block the walkway.

State cleaners will be instructed to collect all the items on the overpass every other day.

Officials will leave all the offerings in the median strip where they are, according to INN.

However, some cleaners have reservations about clearing away the items from the shrine due to their beliefs. To overcome this problem, officials will find a “master” to perform a ceremony to ask permission to remove the little zebras and other offerings from the overpass, Matichon reported.

Photo: Bright TV


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