Thailand ranks among the world’s best places for North Americans to retire

By this point, it can be widely agreed that knowledge doesn’t count unless it’s placed into a numerical list.

Case in point: prior to this week, there existed in the minds of many a murky, inarticulate assertion that Thailand might be a good place to retire. However, the good persons at have finally lent credence to this rumor by creating a list of the Best Places for North Americans to retire, a list that includes (surprise, surprise) Thailand among its ranks.

As reported in the Bangkok Post, placed the Kingdom in the ninth spot in its compendium of possible retirement destinations, several slots behind Malaysia, the only other southeast Asian country to make the cut.

Ecuador (curiously enough) topped the rankings for a fifth year running, thanks to monthly living expenses that hovered between USD900 and USD1,400.

In Thailand’s favor were such salient facets as a warm climate, hospitable culture and (obviously) low cost of living.

Foreigners can’t technically own property in this neck of the woods, but hey, no place is perfect, right?


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