LOVE POLICE: Cops warn Thai teens of Valentine’s Day ‘luring’

This morning, the National News Bureau of Thailand sent out a warning to the Kingdom’s teenagers: Be wary of Valentine’s Day. Or, more specifically, be wary of the week surrounding Valentine’s Day, during which cops say that teens (especially girls) become particularly vulnerable to “luring.”

In addition to the aforesaid “luring,” cops say that Valentine’s Day carries for teens an especially high risk of sex crimes, drug abuse and human trafficking.

If you’re looking to prevent (or observe) PDAs, you could do much worse than the police’s list of high-risk venues. The cops have singled out entertainment establishments, motels and public parks as areas around which teens should exercise caution.

In case you have trouble keeping that list in mind, the cops plan on distributing leaflets describing the dangers of Valentine’s Day to youths and teachers.


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