Need help? Man freaked out by glory hole at bus terminal bathroom

The graphic content has been made sort of family-friendly by this happy cartoon worm, but yes, that is a real dick.

There’s no gesture in the world that could symbolize your love for other humans more than this.

A man from Prachin Buri province said he totally freaked out when he unexpectedly encountered a friendly penis growing from a wall in a toilet stall at a bus terminal — which he obviously took a photo of.

Facebook user Techin Namchan shared this picture taken at Pad Riw bus terminal in Cha Choeng Sao province yesterday afternoon.

“I wanted to use the bathroom and saw this. What should I do?!” he wrote. “I closed the door and ran.”

Obviously, in the process of freaking out and running,Techin also had the time to whip out his phone and take a photo.

“I was so shocked! It was so big and filled the hole. It’s so hard to live these days in the society,” he wrote.

Techin removed the photo after it started to go viral. Aw, come on!


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