Monk calls on govt to burn down 1 mosque for 1 dead Buddhist monk

A Buddhist monk has urged the government to burn a mosque for every Buddhist monk killed by insurgents in the deep South and to let people in the southern provinces carry guns.

The radical views were posted on Facebook by Aphichat Promjan, chief lecturer monk at Benjamabophit Temple on Thursday.

“If a [Buddhist] monk in the three southern border provinces dies from an explosion or being shot at the hands of the ‘Malayu bandits’, a mosque should be burned, starting from the northern part of Thailand southwards,” the monk said.

The term ‘Malayu bandits’ refers to the insurgent groups in the three Southern provinces of Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala,

The monk added that people should be armed to protect the defenceless Buddhist monks in the deep South.

The call to arms by the monk got a mixed response on social media, reported Prachatai English.

“I don’t think that this is the solution to the problem. On the contrary, it will exacerbate the problem. Please stay calm, many innocent people have already died. Be mindful,” said one netizen.


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