Men in rural Thai village painting their nails red to avoid being killed by thirsty widow ghost

Thai men painted their nails red to avoid capture of a “widow ghost,” Oct. 1, 2018. Photo: Sanook
Thai men painted their nails red to avoid capture of a “widow ghost,” Oct. 1, 2018. Photo: Sanook

Young men in rural Kalasin province have painted their nails red (among other things) because their village is supposedly being terrorized by what they say is “a ghost of a widow.”

Residents of Pu Hong village are traumatized after five people — two men and three women — have died there in the past three weeks.

The first two men who died were from the same family — reports said they simply collapsed and died without mentioning what the specific cause was. The fifth death was a teen girl killed in a motorbike accident. The details of the other two deaths have not been disclosed to the media.

According to their deputy mayor, Pongpipat Pukrongtoong, people don’t believe it is a coincidence and instead blame the supernatural behind their village’s flurry of fatalities.

The village’s 60-year-old psychic, Bussadee Malasee, told reporters yesterday she’s convinced the deaths were the work of exactly two ghosts: one a thirsty widow spirit and the other a “pop.” (Editor’s Note: Pop is a type of Thai ghost who goes around possessing people and eats filthy things in their home.)

Bussadee explained that the widow ghost wants to take men’s lives and the pop possesses the elderly and the weak in her village before eventually eating them from the inside (classic pop move.)  

So while they can’t prevent a pop, the villagers have put up signs on their fences to trick the widow. The signs read: “No men live here.”

Photo: Sanook
Photo: Sanook

For this reason, young men have also painted their nails to disguise themselves as women and avoid being victims of the widow ghost, Amarin TV reported.

One village elder, Kitti Saosri, 72, said that locals have turned to the temple for protection after the series of deaths and many don’t leave their homes at night.


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