Hia! Monster monitor lizard really wants to get into Nonthaburi home (VIDEO)

A resident of Nonthaburi has unofficially won the internet this week after nearly losing his house to the biggest monitor lizard we’ve ever seen.


On Monday, Facebook user Attanai Thaiyuanwong shared this horrifying footage of a monitor lizard slapping its slippery, fat belly against his house’s door while the family dog barks madly as the lizard scares the shit out of him.

The monitor lizard is adorably called “Tua Ngern Tua Thong” (Animal of silver and gold) in Thai and the belief is that they bring fortune to anyone who sees them. But some people shrug that old belief off and simply call the creature “Hia!” (Fuck!)… because it’s probably the first thing they say when they see it.



In the video, a man can be heard yelling, “Hia is in our house. It’s fucking huge!”

“They say if you throw a coin at it, it will go away! It’s like giving the lizard luck and fortune!” a woman helpfully suggested from off-camera.

“You should stand next to it, sister. You’re the same size,” the man continued. Everyone screamed when the giant lizard wagged its massive tail.

“It’s cute!” the woman said.

“Cute? Has it ever tried to reach the mirror and look at itself or what?” the man said.

Then, another man appears in the video with a rope. He makes a hoop and tries to hook the lizard with it.

It’s unclear how the unfortunate event ended. Coconuts has reached out to Attanai for comment and will update this story if we get a response.

He was able to post the video, so we can only assume that he survived the nightmare-inducing incident.

Update: New information emerged the giant lizard was actually found at a home in Samutprakarn, not Nonthaburi province. The homeowner also told Coconuts that the creature is a frequent visitor and he calls it “Selena.” See the follow-up story here.

Related hia stories:

Hee-ya! Bangkok teen takes her lizard out for a walk (PHOTOS)

Hia! Monitor lizard wanders through Bangkok traffic (PHOTOS)

Monitor lizard destroys pre-schoolers’ lunch break




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