Flighting, my president: Yingluck’s warm welcome goes wrong

“Fighting, fighting, fighting!” has become a Thai expression pulled from English vocabulary.

The ladies at an OTOP complex in Saraburi province warmly welcomed Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday and decided to put up a sign, suggesting she should keep up the good “flight.”

The sign says “You are my idol don’t be worry for anything. Everything will be O.K. I love you My president. Flighting!”

The canvas sign, which aimed to show the Prime Minister support, contained one misspelling, making it the “Uneducated people” of 2014.

Predictably the mistake turned into an object of internet ridicule, as Yingluck snapped a photo and shared it on her Facebook page, which – surprisingly enough – sometimes draws unkind comments.

“I hope you flight soon,” one user commented.

The word “fighting” is commonly mistranslated by Thais from “Su Su!” which is a Thai expression used when you want to cheer for someone in a race or just tell them to “cheer up.”

Photo: Drama-Addict


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