Everyone’s favorite German beggar spotted begging in Denmark

The infamous German beggar who previously spent cash donated by Thais to “rescue” him on drinkin’ and partyin’ in Pattaya has followed his career into the streets of Denmark.

Benjamin Holst, 29, was found begging on street of Denmark yesterday by a Thai citizen who decided to snap that smile as evidence that he’s doing just great – after being deported by Thai customs in September for being a complete douchebag.

Holst, aka the farang beggar with the big foot, was rescued in late September after he was found homeless on Khaosan Road. He received THB50,000 to get a flight home from Deutscher Hilfsverein Thailand, an organization that helps German citizens.

It took only about one day after he got ahold of the cash for photos to turn up of Holst partying with bar girls in Pattaya, breaking the hearts of his well-meaning benefactors.

Pattaya police arrested him for “causing a public nuisance” and deported him.



You have the right to GTFO: German beggar to be deported (BONUS VIDEO!)

German beggar spends donated cash drinkin’ and partyin’ in Pattaya

German beggar on Khaosan Road rescued


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